Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I knew that I was an emotional wreck the (almost) two weeks that Aiden was in the NICU... but I never knew how the emotions would come FLOODING back until a friends little boy was in the same place. 

Today, on the way home from work I found myself saying a prayer for baby C and bawling crying at the same time.  As I am asking that this sweet baby boy find strength and nourishment, I am looking through a flood of tears as I remember Jim & myself in the same spot only four months ago...

When your child is in the NICU you find yourself feeling helpless.  Never before in your life have you felt like there is absolutely nothing you can do...You have to rely on the smallest little guy you've ever seen to find strength to get himself well enough to come home with you. 

The NICU allows parents to come and go as they please, except during shift change hours.  Jim and I chose (as do most parents) to go at the time he ate so that we could feed him and change his diaper, etc.  It was the only sense of parenting we could get at the time.  We wanted to stay all day, but we knew he needed rest to get well enough to come home with us... so we would force ourselves to leave (me crying), only to come back four hours later and do it over again.  Those were THE HARDEST TWO WEEKS OF MY LIFE!!!! 

Everytime, leaving your baby with people you don't know and can only hope you trust.  Don't get me wrong, we had a great experience with most of the staff at the hospital and he did finally get to come home with us, but at the time all you can think is... IF something goes wrong, are they going to call me immediately?

Last Saturday I found myself back at the NICU to visit with our good friends and baby C and everything came back... The feeling was as if we never left.  It felt so natural being there - and it should NEVER feel natural scrubbing a layer of skin off at the sink to go vist the most precious thing in the world!!

I guess I can just put myself in their shoes and can only wish that they NEVER had to be there in first place, only because I was there once and know all too well what they are feeling right now. 

Whether you know who I am talking about or not... your prayers are deeply appreciated at this time, as we all pray that baby C does all he can to go home with mom and dad.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pizza Pie

Just a little update on my culinary venture...  Made a BBQ Chicken Pizza last night and it was pretty yummy!! 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cookin' Momma

As most of you know, I do not claim to be any kind of cook.  Can I follow a recipe or the back of a box?  Absolutely! But never do I head to the kitchen with the excitement to make something spectacular, mostly because I have NO culinary creativity or care really.  My husband, on the other hand, can look at what I would call a bare pantry and make a fabulous meal.  Soooooo, when I make something from scratch (not out of a box or from my freezer that mom sent me ;-) I am SUPER proud and must brag, brag, brag  =)....

I'm not sure what has gotten into me lately, but Friday I was off work and went to the grocery store armed with a "menu" for the week.  One that I plan on executing to the fullest... hopefully!  So far, so good.  Friday I made potato salad and Turkey burgers and both were edible!!  Saturday night Jim decided to cook some steaks, but my ranch potatoes were yummy :)  However, I am way more excited about my Sunday night dinner!!!

I made my first EVER attempt at a homemade lasagna and I must admit it was pretty dang tasty!!  I had no clue what I was doing, but apparently I did something right.  Tomorrow night it's BBQ Chicken pizza... I will keep you posted...

During Assembly - layer of noodle, ricotta cheese, spinach, spaghetti gravy, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese

All assembled and ready for the oven :)


Friday, August 20, 2010

Dr Babble

I had to take a coughy, sneezy, snotty baby boy to the Dr. today (he's fine) and while we waited we played....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dr's Appointments

Aiden had his 4 month check up Monday and he is just getting SO BIG ;-)  He is now weighing 12 lbs 5 oz and is in the 50th percentile in length & the 40th percentile in weight!!  The doctor is ready for him to start rice cereal and baby foods, which we will start experimenting with this weekend...

On another note, I had my follow-up appointment with Dr. Taylor, the allergist, and once again, EVERYTHING that he tested me for came back positive...  He told me I was "sensitive" and that shots may not even help me because I am allergic to SO many different things.  That was such good news  =/.  So, for now he sent me on my way with 6 new medications... two nasal sprays, two antihistamines, an inhaler and some steroids... OH JOY!!!  In the meantime he said he would "brainstorm" and see if we can't do something better than tons of medicine everyday...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just Some Fun Pictures

08.01.2010 - 4 Months Old
Him's Pooped!
He loves laughing at Mommy & Daddy!
Watching Handy Maney
Sleepy Baby :) 
Happy man!
Beautiful Blue Eyes!
He found his fingers :(

They LOVE each other!